Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Prayer Request for Sterling

Sterling and Bits
My heart is heavy as we start this morning. Above is a picture of my daughter and one of her friends from our co-op. Long  story short, this precious little girl was suffering from massive head aches after many test it was revealed that she had a tumor in her brain the size of a golf ball. On Sunday she had surgery to remove the tumor. Well it turns out that a piece of the tumor was left behind and another surgery will be taking place this morning at 10:30 am (PST).  All prayers for this beautiful little girl and her family would be appreciated. Also prayer for the surgical team and all involved in the surgery . And for Sterling who is only 2.5 years old for a quick and speedy recovery.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Curriculum Clean-Out: BOB Books set 3 and 4

Hi all, it has been a long time since I have posted on the blog a lot of the reason has been because my computer died and I had no means of posting! I have an iPad now and I have finally figured out how to post pics and post. Just wanted to let you know about the Curriculum Clean Out being hosted by Jolanthe over at Homeschool Creations. Head over there and enter for a chance to win some great curriculum being given away and if you have some curriculum lying around feel free and join in blessing another homeschool family. I was recently blessed by one of my homeschool friends and that being said I am going to be giving away two sets of Bob Books, set number 3 and set number four. One covers compound words and the other word families. They are in perfect shape! Both will be given to one winner!

This give away is now closed! 

BOB Books 
To enter, simply leave a comment below

You can also leave up to three extra comments each worth an extra entry

2) Follow me on Pinterest

3) Share the link to this giveaway on Facebook or Twitter

You may leave up to FOUR comments (for a total of four entries in the giveaway). This giveaway will end next Saturday, August 4, 2012 at 10:30 PM (PST). The winner will be chosen via Random.org.

And I look forward to posting more as I finally learned how to post to the blog via iPad!