Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Students- 1st Grade and Tot School

Seriously, contemplated calling this blog post, The Wows and Woes of the First Day, but I decided not too. I can sit here and blog complain about the number of tantrums my 1st grader has had in the first week of school. Or about how my curriculum got lost by the charter school we homeschool through. Or that I thought it was okay because Pinterest is a wealth of resources, only to discover that my printer is completely out of ink! The chances of getting any soon are highly unlikely. My husband is the only one who works and so money is tighter as it can be in this economy we live in. That being said our week, our first week back to school has been somewhat frustrating.

I sat here wondering if I'm the only homeschool mom that has such a hard time teaching their children. All the homeschool blogs I follow seem to have a perfect homeschool routine and as of this week with all the craziness going on in our house I have to stop and reevaluate my attitude and really seek the Lord. Homeschooling should be a blessing and really should not be this hard I must be doing something wrong? I allow breaks, I give snacks, we play games, have bible study and even pray together but still I feel this battle occurring. It's at these moments I stop and say a prayer and ask the Lord for His Devine intervention. Only He is able to change my heart and my children's, to bring a peace and a calm that is beyond what I can humanly do.

Today was our third day of 1st grade I woke up at 4:30 and sought the Lord before my day started. Did I still have complaints and murmuring today about writing, yes, but I also had the Holy Spirit to lead me and teach me to love my kids even when they were difficult. I praise the Lord because it truly is a blessing to homeschool my kids even if at this season in our little schoolroom it seems like an unorganized mess. Remembering that God does not call the equipped He equips the called. So if you are  having one of those weeks take heart knowing the Lord is with you in everything! Here are my  students

My handsome 1st grader

My beautiful Little Bits

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