Sunday, August 12, 2012

"Not” Back-to-School Blog Hop: School Room Hop

This weeks theme for the "Not" Back-to-School blog hop is your school room!

We are in our second year homeschooling and moved to a bigger house than we had last year. We do not have a spare room for a class so basically my living room houses most of our school curriculum and tools. For this reason we do not have a couch in my living room so we can best utilize the space that we have been blessed with. The way I figure is that learning takes place in many places inside and out side the house. I am really trying to work on organizing our homeschool library. Sometime in the near future I can share pics about that (: 
Lap desk from Michael's

At the kitchen table

School desk for writing time


  1. Stopping by on the Blog Hop! Looks like you guys have exactly what works for you and they look quite happy!! We did a lot of homeschooling on the couch last year. Whatever works! Blessings for a great school year!

    1. Thank you so much for visiting! Hope you also have a great school year!

  2. Would love to see your library when you are finished organizing it!

    1. Thanks Jessica! Will definitely share pics when I am done organizing it. I am kinda a book junkie lol I love children's books and my son is a little book worm. Which is not a bad thing, I guess because my son is reading off the charts for his age but there are books every where! Soon Lord willing, I will be able to get some more book shelves
